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Simon Ships Out
How one brave, stray cat became a worldwide hero
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Simon Ships Out by Jacky Donovan. Uniquely quirky look at HMS Amethyst true story told thru humorous voice of Able Seacat Simon the ship's cat. Simon Ships Out: How one brave, stray cat became a worldwide hero is a warm hearted and humorous look at a horrific war incident which most people today are unaware of. Able Seacat Simon was, at the time of the Yangtze Incident, a worldwide hero and photos of Able Seacat Simon appeared in the worldwide media, on television, Pathe News and even eventually Able Seacat Simon's obituary was posted in Time Magazine.
Simon Ships Out: How one brave, stray cat became a worldwide hero is narrated by Able Seacat Simon himself and is a witty, heartwarming tale of an exceptionally brave and wonderful cat.

Able Seacat Simon was, and still is, the only cat ever to have won the PDSA Dickin Medal, awarded to animals for bravery in war situations. It has currently been won by 65 animals - horses, dogs and pigeons - but Able Seacat Simon remains the only cat to have been honoured with it. His memoir Simon Ships Out: How one brave, stray cat became a worldwide hero is enticingly told and published in time for a significant anniversary of the Yangtze Incident in which Able Seacat Simon was involved.

The Simon Ships Out: How one brave, stray cat became a worldwide hero by Jacky Donovan is available in both kindle and paperback format. It is suitable for adults and children. Simon Ships Out: How one brave, stray cat became a worldwide hero makes a perfect present for catlovers and animal lovers. It will entertain anybody who enjoys an exciting, adventurous, humorous and emotional tale of one exceptional cat's ability to be a hero and a source of great compassion to the crew of HMS Amethyst during the Yangtze Incident.

I hope you enjoy Able Seacat Simon's story and recommend it to all cat lovers and animal lovers. 

What readers are saying about me
The most best book I've read in ages, ages, ages

This was for my friend's wife who loved it!

Five stars
really enjoyed it. Funny, sad ,couldn't put it down!

A hero for us all
Even though frightened by obstacles of his inner fears as well as the war happening around him he did what had to be done to protect his shipmates. A noble creature whose example we should hope to follow. Kleenex required.

Five stars
excellent book, well written and well researched, I'm sure!

Simon's adventures
An amazing story of an accidentally adventurous cat. No longer resigned to only hearing about the adventures of his fellow cats, Simon is smuggled aboard an ocean going ship by a lonely sailor and his new life begins when he meets the ship's dog and they become friends. Exploring the ship is an adventure in itself and he soon adapts to a sailors' life; however when they are shelled by communists and are stranded, life becomes terrifying. But Simon rises to the occasion and becomes the inspiration for the wounded and battling sailors to the point of becoming their hero.
Well written, the author's manner of speaking through Simon is captivating and believable and Simon becomes my hero too. Do yourself a favor and delve into Simon's adventures.

Four stars
Good story, really captured the sense of what was happening from a cats eye view.

Five stars
Excellent condition and a good read

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